Passover Post

Passover Post

Passover is a holiday that celebrates and remembers an historic event.  It is a holiday representing the night that freedom was born, after Moses delivered to Egypt the 10 plagues from GOD.  This was done in order to free the Jewish people from slavery.  

Each year the Jewish people recount this event during the Passover Seder so that all generations will remember.  This ceremony includes many different rituals some which include; the eating of bitter herbs to show the bitterness of slavery, and the breaking of Matzo which is used to symbolize the lack of time to let yeast bread rise, since after their release the Jewish people were being pursued by the Egyptians. 

Passover lasts for 7 to 8 days and during Passover regular bread, cake and other yeasted products will not be consumed.   Depending on which part of the world you come from the type of grains you can consume during Passover may vary.  Some could include beans and rice and some may not.  In order to be able to use gluten-free Matzo some exceptions may be made, and it is important to discuss this with your Rabbi and family to make a Seder plate that will work for all. 

I generally would use rice flour, nut flours,  potato starch and tapioca starch as an alternative in recipes, most will allow potato starch and nut flours when in doubt.

Attached are some recipes that you may enjoy during the Passover holiday.  Included some recipes with beans and rice flour, omit or substitute as needed.

Chick Pea Salad

Pear Gorgonzola Salad

Grilled Eggplant Parmesan

Zucchini Ribbons and Pesto


Aunt Louises Cheesecake

Chocolate dipped macaroons

Lemon Hazelnut Bisque

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